Learn How To Control The Physics Of Your Reality
I want to welcome you to my online course " Learn How To Control The Physics Of Your Reality". You will find this information enlightening, empowering, inspiring, and profound. The knowledge that will be presented in this course will contain information that will change your life, the people that you interact with, and the generations that follow.
I will be presenting this information in a special format called integrating concepts. Our general education system does not teach this way so you have probably not been exposed to this methodology. Integrating concepts is quite simple, but such a profound way of learning new material. Concepts are simple individual illustrations that present ideas. Each concept reveals new information and is profound in its own unique way, but when you integrate the individual concepts together you begin to reveal a much bigger picture and powerful understanding. You integrate concepts together by defining common denominators.
The information that we will be covering in this course will be divided into two sections.
Section 1
1. What is your reality?
2. What your reality really is.
3. What is consciousness?
4. The universal law of attraction and consciousness.
5. The Emotional Guidance System.
Section 2
1. Universal Numerology
2. Sacred Geometry
3. Toroidal Energy Flow
4. Frequency and Harmonics
5. Inductance
6. DNA
7. Layers of Reality
8. Quantum Energies
9. The Keys To Power And The Master Numbers
10. Conclusion
I want to state that as you begin learning these new concepts your mind will naturally begin integrating them together utilizing common denominators.
Prepare to be enlightened and empowered!
Your Instructor
I became a mentor and life coach based on a life experience of great contrast. I was born in Milledgeville, Ga and grew up in this small college town. My parents divorced when I was just two years old. I grew up in two different households so I was torn as a child. I grew up in poverty so I know how poverty consciousness can be all consuming.
My behavior and resentment towards my parents caused me to live an unstable existence with emotional baggage. This continued through my early adulthood and caused me to live a less than desired life. I experienced divorce, depression, financial upset, and much more.
I reached a point of no return in 2008 in which I had lost all hope. I was in a career that I detested, an absent father to two children, a financial and emotional wreck, and the list goes on. It was that year that I made my transformation when a great gentleman reached out to me and began to enlighten me. I would go on for the next few years to continue to receive his mentorship.
The application of his mentorship and leadership principles allowed me to manifest my desired life experience. My life transformation changed my existence, allowed me to cultivate my talents, and create an opportunity to assist others in changing thier lives for the better.
Now I am changing lives and helping them to acheive thier greatest potential.
Course Curriculum
StartUniversal Physics Overview (4:30)
StartNumerology (8:27)
StartSacred Geometry (8:13)
StartTorroidal Energy Flow (8:09)
StartFrequency And Harmonics (7:45)
StartInductance (8:10)
StartDNA (12:01)
StartLayers of Reality (5:26)
StartQuantum Energies (7:43)
StartThe Keys To Power (11:09)
StartSection Review
StartConclusion (7:13)